Sleep apnea is a common medical disorder that is life-threatening and affects hundreds of thousands of people like you in the U.S.

Sleep apnea causes:

  • Snoring
  • Feeling tired after a night’s rest
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Death

Snoring alone can impact your quality of life. No one likes to hear from their spouse that they need to sleep somewhere else, or be constantly poked during the night.

Feeling tired throughout the day keeps you unable to perform your best at work or at home with the children or your spouse.

Marx Sleep Center can help patients with sleep apnea return to normal lives and better health without noisy and uncomfortable CPAP machines.

Call our office today for a free sleep apnea consultation. Get the help you need to return your life to normal.

Take our free sleep apnea survey.

Jennifer T.

‘It took me a couple of weeks to get used to my device, but it works! My husband says my snoring is A LOT quieter and I don’t wake up with headaches anymore!”

Jennifer T.

Dr. Doug Arjes

I would like tell you a personal story regarding my life. It could be important to you or for someone you know, possibly life changing. For many years I would wake in the morning not feeling quite rested. I would get tired during the day and be quite exhausted my late afternoon. My wife was also […]

Dr. Doug Arjes

Dave T.

An average person driving a truck for a living, also with a neck size of mine. You have to have a CPAP or a dental device like mine. This device is much easier to deal with than a CPAP is, especially if you’re traveling. I am incredibly happy with my sleep appliance.

Dave T., Tonganoxie, KS

Travis L.

“I am able to breathe easier at night & sleep throughout the night without waking up. I feel more rested!”

Travis L.

S. Barker

“I have had much success with my dental appliance. I knew I didn’t want to use a CPAP machine. My appliance is easy to wear & have had no issues getting used to wearing it. My sleep quality has improved greatly. I don’t wake up tired anymore. I highly recommend this oral device!”

S. Barker

Spencer G

The sleep appliance has significantly improved my breathing. I’m not snoring any longer and the appliance fit is comfortable. I wake feeling better and more energized.

Spencer G

Barbara K.

“I love not using a CPAP machine. Going to sleep & staying asleep is amazing! I feel much more rested than in the past. I look forward to going to bed, instead of dreading using the CPAP nightly.”

Barbara K.

Jeff H.

After receiving my device it took a few nights of adjusting for me. Since that time my wife says “I do not snore or stop breathing” We have also noticed my energy level is much better in the morning and much less tired in the evenings.

Jeff H.

Carl B.

“My loud snoring has stopped. I fall asleep faster, I feel more alert since I’m not tossing & turning all night!”

Carl B.